Monday, January 5, 2015

To Be Read 2015

Books are an essential part of my day to day life. They expand my imagination, teach me new life lessons, and aid me in developing my own writing skills. This year I decided to make a To Be Read list to help me keep track of the books I want to read and how many I have read over the course of the year. I included a mix of classics and other books that have been recommended to me, and I strongly hope to expand this list significantly.

1 & 2. Emma and Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen: Jane Austen is known as one of the literary geniuses of history. Her novels have left a lasting impact on many generations. I believe that even though the books are from a prior era, we can learn a lot from her books, not to mention swoon over the chivalry presented in them. That is why I made it a goal to read her all of her works. I recently completed Pride and Prejudice,  an absolutely charming book,  and am ecstatic to read Emma and Sense and Sensibility this year.

3. Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery: This is a classic novel which I adored in my childhood, but haven't read since. I would like to revisit Avonlea again this year and bask in the wild imagination of my elementary school years.

4. Les Miserables by Victor Hugo: This is a HUGE book. I started reading it last year, but still haven't finished. I generally adore large amounts of detail and imagery, but Hugo definitely went over the top. I'm determined to finish it, though.

5. The Fairest Beauty by Melanie Dickinson: This is another book I started reading last year but never finished. It seems like a really sweet simple story, but I was just way to busy to read it. I would really like to finish it, as I never like stopping in the middle of a book.

6. The Swan House by Elizabeth Musser: This book was highly recommended to me, so I am excited to indulge in it. I don't know much about the plot, but it's fun to be surprised every once in a while.

7. Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan: I first heard about this book in Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. I read Little Women in fourth grade, and wanted to dive into Pilgrim's Progress immediately after the completion of it. Bad idea. Pilgrim's Progress was WAY above my reading level at the time, so I put it down and never returned. Last summer I found a stunning copy of it from 1893 at a local flee market for an excellent price. This year, I'm determined to read it and explore the gems embedded in it.

8. The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde: This is another book that I don't know much about, but have been wanting to read for a while. I'm planning on picking up a copy soon.

9. Welcome to College by Jonathan Morrow: I am super excited to uncover the wisdom hidden in its pages as I head into my next chapter of life. This was given to me for Christmas, so I've already started reading it. So far I highly recommend it!

10. Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger: This is one of those classic novels that was unfortunately never assigned to me in school. The title has always intrigued me, though.

11. Old Man by the Sea by Ernest Hemingway: I adore all of F. Scott Fitzgerald's novels,  so I can't wait to peer into the workings of Ernest Hemingway's mind. I also hope to read more books by him this year, but this one distinctly stands out in my mind.

That's it for now! I can't wait to add to this list as I discover new books throughout the year. What's on your reading list this year? Do you have any recommendations?

God bless!


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